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Test & Preparation


1.On the morning of the blood draw, only water is allowed, while smoking should be avoided in any case. The patient should be calm and relaxed (as much as his condition allows) and the surrounding area should be warm in winter and cool in summer. Stress and recent physical fatigue can increase the number of platelets and white blood cells. Blood sampling is recommended in the morning, before breakfast. It should be 8-10 hours after the last meal before the blood draw.

2.After the blood draw, the patient is advised to press the blood draw point with a cotton ball, turning it upside down where it is dry, with the venipuncture arm outstretched.

3.Exercise should be avoided for 2 hours before and after blood sampling.

4.People who have particularly difficult veins (after chemotherapy, postoperative patients), it would be helpful to inform the blood sampler so that he can use his technique accordingly.


GLUCOSE (GLU): a 12-hour fast is required before blood sampling.
TRIGLYCERIDES (TG): a 12-hour fast and a 24-hour abstinence from alcoholic beverages is required.
TOTAL CHOLESTEROL: a 12-hour fast is required before blood sampling.
IRON (Fe): it is recommended to take blood in the morning. A 12-hour fast is required before blood sampling without taking vitamins.
AMMONIA: an 8-hour fast is required and that the examinee has not smoked before the blood draw.
ALL APOLIPOPROTEINS: a 12-hour fast is required before blood sampling.
TOTAL CALCIUM (Ca): blood sampling takes place in the morning.
LACTIC LABORATORY EZYOZYNUM (LDH): the examinee should be fasting before the blood draw and abstaining from alcoholic beverages.
CREATININE: requires a 12-hour fast before blood sampling.
TRANSAMINASES (SGOT, SGPT): the examinee should be fasting before the blood sampling and abstaining 24 hours from alcoholic beverages.
FOLLIC ACID: a 8-hour fast before the blood sampling is required.


GROWTH HORMONE (GH): an 8-hour fast is required, as well as 30 minutes of immobility before blood sampling.
CALM RENINA: 24 hours before the examination it is forbidden to take caffeine, diuretics and antihypertensives. In addition, the examinee has to complete 30 minutes of immobility before the blood draw.
CIRCULATION RENINA: 24 hours before the blood sampling it is forbidden to take caffeine, diuretics and hypertensives, 40 minutes of  intense walking or going up and down stairs for 20 minutes.
GASTRINI: a 12-hour fast is required before the blood sampling
ALDOSTERONE CALM: diuretics and hypertensives should not be taken 15-35 days before the blood sampling. It is necessary to diet for 3 weeks in sodium (100-200mmole/24h), 30 minutes of immobility before blood sampling.
ALDOSTERONE FATIGUE: diuretics and hypertensives should not be taken 15-35 days before the blood sampling. You should also diet for 3 weeks in sodium (100-200mmole/24h), do a 40-minute intense walk or climb stars for 20 minutes.
D4 ANDROSTENDION (D4A): blood sampling should take place in the morning due to the daily fluctuation of levels.
TG: surgery, biopsy, scintigraphy and radioidine therapy should not be performed prior to blood collection.
BLOOD DRAW FOR THYROID CONTROL (T3,T4,TSH,FT3,FT4,ANTI-TG,ANTI-TPO): if you are taking a pill, you should not take it that day- you can have the blood sampling in the afternoon.
PLASMA ADRENALINE: fasting and non-smoking are required for 4 hours before blood sampling.
PARATHORMONE (PTH): a 12-hour fast is required before blood sampling, which is performed in the morning.
CORTICAL ADRENAL HORMONE (ACTH): fasting is required before blood sampling, which is performed in the morning.


URINARY GENERAL AND URINARY CULTURE: collect urine (the first morning urine)  from the urine medium in the special sterile container that can be obtained from the pharmacy. Urine must be delivered to the laboratory within one hour of receipt, otherwise it should be placed in the refrigerator or in an ice bucket until it is given to the laboratory, for up to 2 hours. Urine culture should be performed before receiving antibiotic therapy. If antibiotic has been taken, inform the laboratory stuff.

HOW TO COLLECT URINE SAMPLE (24-HOUR): the first morning urine of the first day is not collected. From the second urination to the first urination of the second day, they are collected in the special sterile container that you can get form the pharmacy. You can also use a second container. You should not skip any urination otherwise the procedure should be repeated. Following the collection and until you bring them to the laboratory, the urine should be stored in the refrigerator.


Vaginal culture: Can not be done during period. There should be no internal or external washing with antiseptic. Wash with soap only externally. No vaginal suppositories. No sexual intercourse for 1 day prior to culture collection.
Urethral culture: No urination for two hours prior to test.
Prostate fluid culture: No urination for two hours prior to test.
Stool culture, parasitological stool: Small sample amount, whenever the patient is able to.
Mayer stool test: The patient should not be taking iron or aspirin.
Glucose curve: Blood sample will be collected after fasting, glucose is ingested per doctor’s instructions, then blood samples will be taken every ½ or 1 hour. 1-2 hour total duration. It is recommended that the patient is accompanied.
Spermogram: 3-4 day abstinence required. The sample must be provided to the laboratory within one hour of collection.